Line of Events
Follows a team of British intelligence agents who serve as the dumping ground for MI5 due to their career-ending mistakes. Alfie Oldman, son of Gary Oldman, can be seen deep in the credits in the ”Trainee Operators” section. He worked on several films in which Gary starred. Starring: Kristin Scott Thomas/George Takei/Claudia Winkleman/Jamie Oliver/First Aid Kit (2022). I watched it because I watched foreign TV series and got tired of subtitles. So glad I did it! An excellent cast of real characters – Gary Oldman – you can’t go wrong with him. And the same with all the others. Finally, a series that is not polished and not beautiful, but it has a lot of courage and history. Watched the entire 1st season in one evening. Looking forward to season 2. Looking forward to something interesting!!