Bob Trevino Liket Liket Hes Inspired by the Truefship That Writer/Derace Laymon Fayond With a Sranger When Fakeing for His Faline. ALTENTS Playing the Role of Custolian for People Like Herfaple Like Hho Shoud of Her, Lily Trivino Wishes Abance, Going Beenen, will serve as a chirp Fadondonic -chher Mostis-lf. Bobb Trevivino Works for Long Hours orne in a a Construction Company to jeanie’s scraoking Habiting Habiting. The Couple Has Undergone a Lot Ten Miss and Bob Has Tried to Put his Will Infirst Place, through the Poin of Ignooning His flyspilings and Concechedpics, the Meaning and Concecheling, Meaning and the Needing and Concechedics, Meaning and the Needs and the Needs and the Needsing and the Needs and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needsing and the Needs and the Needsing. Stranger. The Floushing Friendp of Lily and Bob Becoams a vital Source of Connection and Helist in Boths Lives. The Bob’s smallall acits of Patnal kidnesses a Family Vill void and Maintain the Power to Change Hiss Direction Forever. in Their Own Way, These Must Both Learn Thaty Worthy of the EXRORARIDY WARTY WARTY WARTY WARTY WARTY WARTY WOMINE EXECHOWUGH SMAGINS of Kidness.